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Finding Your Unique Spark: How To Harness Creativity In Everyday Life

I recently heard a friend remark ", my sister got the creative gene in the family". The cliche phrase tries to bolster all of our confidence with the affirmation that “everyone is creative,” but for many of us, the idea of tapping in our creative side can feel intimidating. It’s easy to assume creativity is reserved for artists, designers, or writers, but the truth is, creativity is inherent in all of us—yes, even you! Deep down maybe, but it's there!!

Creativity goes beyond art; it’s expressed in other ways like finding solutions to solve problems, bringing fresh perspectives to mundane tasks, and expressing yourself in ways that feel authentic. Whether you're brainstorming a new business idea, reorganizing your space, or even planning your weekly meals, creativity has the power to elevate your daily routine and bring a sense of fulfillment.

In this article, we’ll explore how to embrace your unique spark and unlock creativity in everyday life, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a stay-at-home parent, or someone simply seeking more joy in your day-to-day. Let's get started and get those creative juices flowing, shall we?

desktop evoking inspirational message to dream bigger

1. Reframe How You Think About Creativity

The first step in embracing your creativity is to let go of the belief that creativity is only about making art. You don't have to own an easel or have a college art degree to be a creative individual. Sure, painting a picture or crafting a handmade product is one form of creativity, but there are countless ways to be creative. Solving a complex problem at work, finding a faster route to run errands, or even repurposing an old piece of furniture are all acts of creative thinking and there are countless expressions of art and creativity.

A great way to reframe your thinking is to consider creativity as simply “thinking outside the box.” In this sense, creativity becomes a tool for approaching life with curiosity, rather than something that must always lead to a tangible outcome. The pressure is off, and you’re free to explore new ideas without expectations.

girl practicing mindfulness

2. Embrace the Power of Mindfulness

Creativity often strikes in moments of stillness, but when life gets hectic, it can feel hard to hear those quiet, intuitive nudges. This is where mindfulness comes into play. Carving out time to be reflective and present with your thoughts, surroundings, and experiences allows your mind to rest and recalibrate. It's there that you'll discover capacity that you didn't know existed!

If mindfulness isn’t already part of your routine, start small. A few minutes of deep breathing or observing your surroundings can be transformative. These moments of pause open the door for inspiration and allow you to tap into a deeper creative flow. When you give yourself permission to slow down, you create space for your mind to wander. You don't need an expensive yoga retreat to make this happen either. A few moments sitting in your shower is a great spot to take in the quiet, let the day go and reframe your thinking. You might be amazed by the "aha" moments that come to you in this uninterrupted space!

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3. Find Inspiration in the Everyday

Sometimes, the greatest sources of inspiration come from the most unexpected places. You don’t need to travel to a remote island or have access to a fancy studio to get your creative juices flowing. Instead, start by looking at your daily surroundings with fresh eyes. Where would you like to incorporate beauty? What space would benefit from a sprucing up? What organizational project would be soul-filling for you?

Perhaps there’s something in your home or neighborhood that sparks joy, or a new podcast that shifts your perspective. Take a moment to consider what everyday objects, sights, or sounds bring you happiness. Whether it’s a favorite coffee mug, the sound of birds chirping when you sit on your porch in the morning, or the pattern on a vintage quilt when you curl up to unwind at the end of the day, notice how these small details can trigger a burst of creative energy.

When you train yourself to find beauty in the mundane, creativity becomes a natural extension of your daily life. Each moment has the potential to ignite something new, if only you pause long enough to notice.

hand holding a bunch of pink balloons

4. Cultivate Curiosity Over Perfectionism

One of the biggest blocks to creativity is the fear of imperfection. I'll be the first to admit, this one still trips me up sometimes! We often avoid trying new things because we worry they won’t turn out “right.” But creativity is about the process, not the outcome.


To truly embrace your spark, you need to let go of the notion that everything must be perfect.


Approach new ideas, projects, or activities with curiosity instead of judgment. Become a student instead of assuming you must be a master. Ask yourself questions like, “What would happen if I tried this?” or “what can I learn from this experience?” These questions shift the focus from outcome to exploration, allowing you to fully enjoy the journey without the pressure to perform.

When you cultivate curiosity, you invite more creative opportunities into your life. You become open to experimentation, which is where some of the most magical moments happen.


5. Create Space for Play

Play is one of the most underrated but powerful tools for creativity. Our focus far too often is on productivity and measurable results. These are creativity killers! As children, we naturally play—whether it’s through make-believe games, doodling, or building things out of nothing. But as adults, the idea of play often gets lost in the hustle of everyday life and we measure our days by the success of boxes checked off our list instead of really valuing the beauty of laughter, friendships and intrigue of life we've observed around us.

Reconnecting with your sense of play can do wonders for your creative spirit. Set aside time to explore activities that make you feel joyful and carefree, without any agenda or purpose other than to have fun. This could mean anything from doodling in a sketchbook, experimenting with a new recipe (one of my favorite past times - click here to find some of my favorite recipes), or dancing around the living room to your favorite song.

When you engage in playful activities, you give your mind the freedom to explore new ideas without the burden of expectation. The lightheartedness of play encourages fresh perspectives and helps you approach challenges with more ease.

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6. Take Breaks to Recharge

Sometimes, the key to unlocking creativity is simply taking a break. That's right. Stand up. Walk away! If you’ve been working hard on a project or feel stuck in a rut, stepping away from it for a while can provide a much-needed reset, clear your clouded brain and bring fresh perspective. When you give your brain the opportunity to recharge, you’re more likely to return to your work with renewed energy and fresh ideas.

Breaks don’t have to be long. Even taking a 10-minute walk or sitting outside with a cup of tea can be enough to refresh your mind. The key is to allow yourself time to disconnect from the task at hand and focus on something else for a little while.

two friends sitting on couch working on laptops

7. Surround Yourself with Creativity

Who you surround yourself with can have a profound impact on your creative energy. If you’re constantly in the company of people who are negative or closed off to new ideas, it’s harder to stay inspired. On the other hand, spending time with people who embrace creativity, innovation, and open-mindedness can inspire you to do the same.

Whether you join a creative community, follow inspiring accounts on social media, or simply connect with friends who encourage your creative side, surrounding yourself with people who uplift and inspire you is essential for nurturing your own creativity. Don’t underestimate the power of a creative support system.

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8. Practice Gratitude for Your Creative Journey

Finally, remember to celebrate your unique creative journey, wherever you are on the path. Whether you’ve just begun exploring new ideas or have been flexing your creative muscles for years, gratitude plays a key role in maintaining your creative momentum.

It is a worthwhile practice to take a moment each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for in terms of your creative process. Maybe you’re proud of the way you solved a problem, or perhaps you’re excited about a new idea that just came to you. By practicing gratitude, you reinforce the positive aspects of your creativity and build a mindset that welcomes new inspiration.

Embracing your creativity doesn’t require grand gestures or a complete lifestyle overhaul. It’s about shifting your perspective, finding inspiration in the everyday, and allowing yourself the freedom to explore without judgment. When you make creativity a part of your daily routine, you open yourself up to endless possibilities and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

So, how will you tap into your unique spark today?


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